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April 11, 2016

SF Earth Day: Celebrate Earth Day with Stanford Court

Stanford Court News

Earth Day is a time to celebrate the planet and support environmental protection. Throughout the month of April, our Nob Hill hotel will implement a bevy of “Earth Day in the Bay” initiatives to support the cause and encourage guests and employees alike to give back to Mother Earth. Here are the fun and easy ways we are celebrating our Earth! We hope you join us in these green intiatives.

1:1 Tree Donation – For every guestroom occupied on Earth Day (April 22), Stanford Court will donate $1 to the National Forest Foundation to plant one tree. With 393 guestrooms, the hotel could plant close to 400 trees!

Eco-Map – Our Eco-Map launched April 1 for guests to have access to some of our staff’s favorite earth-friendly must-see shops, restaurants, parks and more. The Eco-Map also encourages guests to enjoy our complimentary bike rentals to get around the city the ‘green’ way.


Seed Bombs upon Check-In – To encourage visitors to contribute to the planet’s beauty and bring a bit of California home with them, every guest that checks in on Earth Day will receive a seed bomb of wildflower seeds to plant at home.

Tech Recycling Drive – To make it easy for the community, employees and guests to properly recycle their defunct electronics, Stanford Court will host a tech recycling drive throughout the month of April. A bin will be placed in the hotel lobby, available for anyone to drop off their items in a safe and eco-friendly manner.

Along with these special initiatives, our Stanford Court team will be dressed in a blue or green light on Earth Day and will exhibit an artistic tribute to Mother Earth in the entrance circle.

Follow the green adventures on our Instagram!

You might also like our previous post: Earth Month Celebrations.

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